V.A (Human Beinz, Standells, Music Machine) / Nuggets Volume One: The Hits

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Label: Rhino
Catalog: RNLP 025
Format: LP Vinyl record (アナログ盤・レコード)
Country: US
Released: 1984
Genre: 60's Rock / Pops / Oldies
Style:Garage / Psychedelic , 60's Rock / Pops
Condition: ジャケット、盤質おおむね良好。
Media: EX-
Sleeve: EX-
Item No.: V00009733
Artist:V.A (Human Beinz, Standells, Music Machine)
V.A (Human Beinz, Standells, Music Machine)
Title: Nuggets Volume One: The Hits
New/Used: Used
「No, No, No~」でおなじみ
Human Beinzの"Nobody But Me"、
ガレージ名曲Standells "Dirty Wate"
Count Five "Psychotic Reaction"、
Todd RundgrrenのいたNazz "Open My Eyes"
を始めElectric Prunes、Blues Magoos、
Seeds、Music Machine、Amboy Dukes、
Blue Cheerと60年代のガレージ・サイケを